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Assessing chemical preference of young zebrafish

Benjamin Gallois

I. FastTrack: a general purpose tracking software

Image-based tracking

Locating objects over time from a video recording.


  • Object detection
  • Complex object interactions
  • Trade-off accuracy / specialization
  • Trade-off accuracy / speed

Tracking in the lab

  • Controlled lighting
  • Uniform background
  • Good image quality
  • Often quasi 2D
  • Low fault tolerance
  • Minimal human interventions
  • Versatile

Existing software


Use dynamic properties to keep the identities (Rodriguez, Alvaro, et al. 2018)

  • Fast
  • Error propagation


Extract a fingerprint for each individual (Romero-Ferrero, Francisco, et al. 2019)

  • Computationally intensive
  • Close to perfect accuracy

Two-Dimensional tracking Dataset

FastTrack: a general tracking software

  • Fast and automatic tracking algorithm
  • Ergonomic correction tool



Keep the identity of the objects from one image...


To the next.


$$c_{11}=\frac{d_{11}}{s_d} + \frac{a_{11}}{s_a}$$


$$c_{12}=\frac{d_{12}}{s_d} + \frac{a_{12}}{s_a}$$


$$c_{13}=\frac{d_{13}}{s_d} + \frac{a_{13}}{s_a}$$


$$C = \begin{bmatrix} c_{11} & c_{12} & c_{13}\\ & & \\ & & \end{bmatrix}$$


Soft cost

$$c_{ij} = \frac{\delta d_{ij}}{s_d} + \frac{\delta a _{ij}}{s_{a}} + \frac{...}{...}$$

Hard cost

  • Distance: if $d_{ij}>h_d$, then $c_{ij} = \infty$
  • Memory: if object $i$ lost more than $h_t$ time, then remove the $i^{th}$ line

Global optimization

Best assignment possible using Hungarian algorithm (J. Munkres, 1957)

Post processing

  • Keyboard and mouse shortcuts
  • Swap, delete ids
  • Annotation frame by frame (Sturman, Oliver, et al., 2020)


Dataset classification

  • Metric to classify tracking difficulty
  • Does not necessitate groundtruth trajectories
  • Robust to tracking errors


Incursion: object exits its Voronoï cell defined at a time $t$, after a travel time $\tau$.

Reduced displacement

Reduced displacement $\rho=r\sqrt{d}$

  • Typical distance to neighbors $\rho=1$
  • Typical distance to Voronoï cell edges $\rho=\frac{1}{2}$

Geometric probability of incursion

Geometric probability of incursion: proportion of angles for which incursions occur for a given displacement $\rho$.

Per Voronoï cell

$$p(\rho)=\frac{\color{red}{\Sigma_{out}(\rho)}}{\color{red}{\Sigma_{out}(\rho)} \color{black}{+}\color{blue}{\Sigma_{in}(\rho)}} $$ $$p(\rho)=\frac{\color{red}{\Sigma_{out}(\rho)}}{2\pi}$$

Geometric probability of incursion

To account for many shapes and sizes:

$$p_{inc}(\rho)=\left< p(\rho) \right>_{cells}$$

Probability of incursion

If the dynamics is uncorrelated with the geometric properties of the Voronoï cells: $$\color{green}{P_{inc}} = \int_{0}^{\infty} \color{blue}{R(\rho)} \color{red}{p_{inc}(\rho)} \,d \rho $$

  • $P_{inc}$ probability of incursion
  • $R(\rho)$ distribution of displacements at the timescale $\tau$
  • $p_{inc}(\rho)$ geometric probability of incursion

Probability of incursion

At $\tau=1$, $P_{inc}$ highly sensitive to tracking errors that shift $R(\rho)$ to the right.

Timescale analysis

$$P_{inc} = \frac{L}{1 + exp(-k .log(\frac{\tau}{\tau_0}))}$$

Timescale analysis

$$\delta = \frac{N_{err}}{N_{obj}}$$

Insensitive up to 1 error every 1000 detections.

Timescale analysis

ZFJ_001 very difficult movie: $$\delta \approx 0.003$$ without post-processing.

Optimal framerate

  • Oversampled: lot of storage space, higher processing time
  • Undersampled: lot of incursions, higher post-processing time
  • Define $\tau_1$ the timescale at which the incursion probability is equal to a single incursion in the whole movie.

  • $\tau_1<1$: undersampled
  • $\tau_1>1$: oversampled


  • Easy to install
  • Available on Linux, MacOS and Windows
  • Versatile
  • Open-source & API documented
  • New measure of trackability with $P_{inc}$
  • $\tau_1$ a criterion to find the optimal experimental framerate

II. Assessing chemical preference of young zebrafish

Chemical perception

(Hara, Toshiaki J., 2012) (Yarmolinsky, David A., Charles S. Zuker, and Nicholas JP Ryba, 2009)
  • Most ancien sensory system dating back 500 millions years ago
  • Wide range of taxa: unicellular to mamalian
  • Highly conservated features
  • Mediate feeding and reproduction


(Laberge, Frédéric, and Toshiaki J. Hara., 2001)
  • Olfactory epithelium (snout) projecting into the olfactory bulb (brain)
  • Mediate feeding, reproduction, fright reaction


  • Taste buds located on the head, lips, oropharyngeal cavity and barbels
  • Mediate feeding, reproduction

Common chemical sense

  • Solitary chemosensory cells in the epidermis

The zebrafish

  • Small and robust vertebrate
  • Well studied chemical senses: first odor responses $\approx$ 3 dpf (Li, Jun, et al., 2005)
  • Various behaviors: phototaxis, OMR, predation
  • Whole brain imaging using lightsheet microscopy and transgenic larval fish(Panier, Thomas, et al., 2013)

Zebrafish phototaxis

  • Light-seeking navigation
  • Spatial & temporal phototaxis
  • Map behavior onto a neuronal model
(Chen, Xiuye, and Florian Engert, 2014) (Karpenko, Sophia, et al., 2020)

Chemical perception

  • Biological noise
  • Chemical noise: intermittency, concentration variations
  • Moths, mosquitoes: plume structure, concentration independent (Mafra‐Neto, A., and R. T. Cardé., 1995)(Dekker, Teun, Willem Takken, and Ring T. Cardé., 2001)

Assessing chemical preference

  • Find an attractive product
  • Study chemically-driven navigation
  • Neuro-imaging (Candelier, Raphaël, et al., 2015)

Assessing chemical preference

Mandatory product screening

  • What product?
  • What concentration?
  • What age?

Time consuming experimental work.


  • High-throughput screening setup
  • Do It Yourself setup easy to replicate and scalable
  • Open source, robust and versatile

  • Separate the tank in two compartments
  • Precisely controlled concentration
  • Fish can choose its prefered side


  • Infrared, biocompatible, chemically inert, neutral
  • Silicone oil emulsion prepared by Léa-Laetitia Pontani
  • $\approx 0.5 mL$ for $1 L$ of solution

Experimental protocol


  • Complex image analysis problem
  • Complex behavior

Markov model

$$p = \frac{n_{BP}}{n_{BP} + n_{BB}}$$ $$b = \frac{n_{PB}}{n_{PB} + n_{PP}}$$

Markov-based analysis

Exploration $$\rho_{Markov} = 2Min(p,b)-1$$
  • $\rho_{Markov} = 1$ exploration
  • $\rho_{Markov} = -1$ exploitation
  • $\rho_{Markov} = 0$ mixed behavior
Preference $$\Pi_{Markov} = p-b$$
  • $\Pi_{Markov} = 1$ attraction
  • $\Pi_{Markov} = -1$ repulsion
  • $\Pi_{Markov} = 0$ neutral

Numerical simulation

  • All $(p,b)$ are not accessible: sequence length & p and b rational numbers
  • Strong preference $\implies$ exploitation

Numerical simulation

  • All $(p,b)$ are not accessible: sequence length & p and b rational numbers
  • Strong preference $\implies$ exploitation

Numerical simulation

  • All $(p,b)$ are not accessible: sequence length & p and b rational numbers
  • Strong preference $\implies$ exploitation

Numerical simulation

  • All $(p,b)$ are not accessible: sequence length & p and b rational numbers
  • Strong preference $\implies$ exploitation

Dye effect

Product screening

  • Citric acid: repulsive on adult zebrafish (Abreu, Murilo S., et al. 2016)
  • ATP: attractive on adult zebrafish (Wakisaka, Noriko, et al. 2017)
  • 2 weeks zebrafish
  • ATP: 24h of starvation before assessment

Citric acid


ATP: fish by fish



  • Forced bath experiment


ATP persistence

  • Add more cycles


ATP fish age

  • Effect not present for larval zebrafish $\approx$ 7 days
  • Check on Danionella translucida
    (Schulze, Lisanne, et al., 2018)